用新的模块化指标来提升社团挖掘效果[Appl. Sci.专栏第十五篇发表论文]
周涛  |  2023-03-25  |  科学网  |  213次阅读

我在Applied Sciences(综合性、交叉性期刊,CiteScore=3.70IF=2.84)组织了一个Special Issue,大题目是“大数据分析进展”,比较宽泛。该专栏的推出主要是为了回应因为可获取数据和数据分析的平台、工具的快速增长给自然科学和社会科学带来的重大影响。我们特别欢迎(但不限于)下面四类稿件:(1)数据分析中的基础理论分析,例如一个系统的可预测性(比如时间序列的可预测性)、分类问题的最小误差分析、各种数据挖掘结果的稳定性和可信度分析;(2)数据分析的新方法,例如挖掘因果关系的新方法(这和Topic 1也是相关的)、多模态分析的新方法、隐私计算的新方法等等;(3)推出新的、高价值的数据集、数据分析平台、数据分析工具等等;(4)把大数据分析的方法用到自然科学和社会科学的各个分支(并获得洞见),我们特别喜欢用到那些原来定量化程度不高的学科。




A Constrained Louvain Algorithm with a Novel Modularity


Community detection is a significant and challenging task in network research. Nowadays, many community detection methods have been developed. Among them, the classical Louvain algorithm is an excellent method aiming at optimizing an objective function. In this paper, we propose a modularity function F2 as a new objective function. Our modularity function F2 overcomes certain disadvantages of the modularity functions raised in previous literature, such as the resolution limit problem. It is desired as a competitive objective function. Then, the constrained Louvain algorithm is proposed by adding some constraints to the classical Louvain algorithm. Finally, through the comparison, we have found that the constrained Louvain algorithm with F2 is better than the constrained Louvain algorithm with other objective functions on most considered networks. Moreover, the constrained Louvain algorithm with F2 is superior to the classical Louvain algorithm and the Newman’s fast method.



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