周涛  |  2016-06-07  |  科学网  |  495次阅读



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  • Zhou, T., Lü, L., & Zhang, Y. C. (2009). Predicting missinglinks via local information. The European Physical Journal B, 71(4),623-630. [Cited 392 times]

  • Zhou, T., Kuscsik, Z., Liu, J. G., Medo, M., Wakeling, J. R., &Zhang, Y. C. (2010). Solving the apparent diversity-accuracy dilemma ofrecommender systems. PNAS, 107(10), 4511-4515. [cited 396times]

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  • Chen, D., Lü, L., Shang, M. S., Zhang, Y. C., & Zhou,T. (2012). Identifying influential nodes in complex networks. Physica A: Statistical mechanics and its applications, 391(4),1777-1787. [Cited 199 times]

  • Lü, L., Medo, M., Yeung, C. H., Zhang, Y. C., Zhang, Z. K.,& Zhou, T. (2012). Recommender systems. PhysicsReports, 519(1), 1-49. [Cited 361 times]

  • Lü, L., Pan, L., Zhou, T., Zhang, Y. C., &Stanley, H. E. (2015). Toward link predictability of complex networks. PNAS, 112(8),2325-2330. [cited 28 times]

  • Lü, L., Zhou, T., Zhang, Q. M., & Stanley,H. E. (2016). The H-index of a network node and its relation to degree andcoreness. Nature communications, 7, 10168.

  • Lü, L., Chen, D., Ren, X. L., Zhang, Q. M., Zhang, Y. C.& Zhou, T. (2016). Vital Nodes Identification in ComplexNetworks. Physics Reports (to be published).

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